Procurement Opportunities

Bids Tenders and RFPs

All of LWHA’s current RFP’s, bids, and tenders will posted here.

The LWHA purchases goods and services in accordance with the Procurement Policy. The Organization utilizes an online bidding system to solicit quotations, proposals and tenders to purchase goods and services.  This site allows potential Bidders to create a Bidding System Vendor account.  Bidders select commodity codes for goods and services and the Bidding System will notify the Vendor by email of Bid opportunities matching their commodity code selection.

Bidders are solely responsible for ensuring their Vendor account information is kept current.

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Shelly Reinhardt
1 (519) 291-3120 x6396

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Emergency Department Closure

Wingham and District Hospital - Closed Saturday, August 10th, 2024

Please note that the Wingham District Hospital’s Emergency Department will be closed at the following times this weekend:

Saturday August 10th at 2:00pm to Sunday August 11th at 7:00am

Patients experiencing a medical emergency are advised to call 911.
We regret the need to take this step and are working diligently to return to normal operations. We thank the community for their understanding.

Listowel Front Entrance Closure

Due to required construction, anyone requiring to access the hospital through the main entrance on Monday, September 9th and Tuesday, September 10th will need to use the ambulance doors around the corner to the left of the main entrance.

Signs will be posted to direct people to this door. Security will be on site as well to help direct people where they need to go once inside the building.

Sorry for the inconvenience.