Care &

Diabetes Education Centre has relocated

The Diabetes Education Centre has moved across the road from the Hospital to the Outpatient Building, located at 285 Sarah Ave N.

Please Come in the main entrance and have a seat in the waiting room just inside the door and the staff will come and get you. 

Living Well with Diabetes

The Diabetes Education Centre has a Registered Dietitian (RD) and Registered Nurse (RN) who see outpatients and inpatients. The program assists clients and their families in learning to live well with Diabetes. The RD and RN work with you to increase Diabetes knowledge, skills and self-management techniques. The service targets patients with Type 2 Diabetes, Adult Type 1, and Gestational Diabetes.

The Diabetes Program Includes:

  • Nutrition counselling and menu planning
  • Education in the use of glucometers
  • Knowledge of healthy targets and strategies that can be implemented to achieve these targets
  • Goal setting, problem solving and self-management skills
  • Screening of blood glucose, blood pressure and assessment of the health of your feet
  • Information on dining out, label reading and increasing activity
  • Loaner library of books and health related DVD’s
  • Education in the use of glucometers, hypoglycemia treatment and prevention
  • Insulin initiation and adjustment working towards self-management
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Enteric Outbreak at Listowel Hospital

The Listowel Wingham Hospitals Alliance has declared enteric outbreak on the 2nd Floor Inpatient Unit at the Listowel Memorial Hospital effective January 14, 2025.

We request family and caregivers postpone all non-essential visits. Please do not visit if you are unwell and experiencing infectious symptoms such as cough, fever, sore throat, runny nose, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.

Wingham Emerg Door Replacement

Due to the replacement of the Emergency Entrance Doors, on Wednesday October 23rd, all Emerg Patients will be directed to the Ambulance Doors around the corner to the left of the Emerg doors.


Due to the replacement of the Main Entrance Doors, on Thursday October 24th, anyone using the Main Entrance will be directed to the Emerg Doors to the left of the Main Entrance doors.