Our Commitment

Our Commitment

As a publicly funded organization it is important that the Listowel Wingham Hospitals Alliance (LWHA) provide timely, relevant information to the general public on the Hospitals.   The Accountability section of the LWHA website contains information to meet legislative and regulatory requirements.   We have also included additional information that we feel would be of interest to the general public with respect to the governance and operations of their community Hospitals.

Our vision for the Listowel Wingham Hospitals Alliance is “Enriching Life’s Journey, Together”. We fully appreciate that life is a journey that often has high points and low points. We strive to do our best to provide the best possible care for the people we serve while ensuring that present and future generations have access to health care as close to home as possible.  In the year ahead, we will continue with our efforts to help improve quality of care and patient safety, and to deliver better value for money with the services we provide.


There is video surveillance on our property.

Freedom of Information

On December 8, 2010, the Government of Ontario passed the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 (BPSAA).  The BPSAA contains amendments to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) that extends its applications to Ontario hospitals, beginning January 1, 2012. 

The Listowel Wingham Hospitals Alliance routinely provides information to the public. It may not be necessary to use the provisions of FIPPA to obtain the information you desire. Informal inquiries are welcomed.

Should you choose to formally submit a request for information under FIPPA, there is a defined process to follow. You must submit a written request and the $5.00 application fee, either delivering it by hand or mailing it to the hospital.  Please refer to the detailed instructions on the Request forms below.

Please note that requests received by electronic mail are not accepted since the legislation requires that requests be authenticated by an original signature. As a result, originals of the completed form are needed to proceed with a request and requests received by electronic mail cannot be processed without receipt of the original in hard copy format.
A clearly defined request will greatly assist the Hospital to identify the records/personal information sought. Please note that the Hospital may contact you about the facts and circumstances of the situation to clarify the access request.

Acknowledgement of Funding Support

The Listowel Wingham Hospitals Alliance receives funding from Ontario Health.  The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views of Ontario Health.


LWHA Ethical Decision Making Framework

Listowel Wingham Hospitals Alliance recognizes that ethical decision making requires a consistent and objective approach.  As such, we have adopted the Ethical Decision Making Framework to guide decision making in our efforts to strive for quality, patient-centred care.

LWHA’s Ethical Decision Making Framework

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Emergency Department Closure

Wingham and District Hospital - Closed Saturday, August 10th, 2024

Please note that the Wingham District Hospital’s Emergency Department will be closed at the following times this weekend:

Saturday August 10th at 2:00pm to Sunday August 11th at 7:00am

Patients experiencing a medical emergency are advised to call 911.
We regret the need to take this step and are working diligently to return to normal operations. We thank the community for their understanding.

Listowel Front Entrance Closure

Due to required construction, anyone requiring to access the hospital through the main entrance on Monday, September 9th and Tuesday, September 10th will need to use the ambulance doors around the corner to the left of the main entrance.

Signs will be posted to direct people to this door. Security will be on site as well to help direct people where they need to go once inside the building.

Sorry for the inconvenience.