Auxiliary Gift Shops


Listowel Auxiliary Gift Shop Hours:

Monday: 6:30pm – 8:00pm
Tuesday to Friday: 11:00am – 4:00pm
Saturday: 2:00pm – 4:00pm if Volunteer is available.

Mary Kerr: 226-430-2073
Click Here to visit our Facebook Page!

Listowel Hospital Gift Shop


Wingham Auxiliary Gift Shop Hours:

Monday – Friday: 10:00am – 3:00pm


Brenda Deyell 519-357-2103

Verna Hodgins 519-357-7378

Wingham Hospital Gift Shop
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Wingham Emerg Door Replacement

Due to the replacement of the Emergency Entrance Doors, on Wednesday October 23rd, all Emerg Patients will be directed to the Ambulance Doors around the corner to the left of the Emerg doors.


Due to the replacement of the Main Entrance Doors, on Thursday October 24th, anyone using the Main Entrance will be directed to the Emerg Doors to the left of the Main Entrance doors.